In Praise of Marriage

In Praise of Marriage

Since so many of my commentaries have been centered around psychological disorders, for this segment I decided this time to post one which is positive and affirming. One of the most positive and affirming institutions that I can think of is the institution of marriage.
Frankly, marriage’s reputation in the modern world is not so great. Such things as high divorce rates, infidelity and domestic violence have caused many to postpone or even forgo marriage altogether. When folks are ready to marry, at what ever age, it is important to under that that good marriages don’t “just happen”. Successfully blending two individuals into a working partnership is neither automatic or easy. We have learned that for marriage to thrive the partners must have the knowledge of some basic skills as well as the commitment to working through inevitable conflicts and disagreements.
Given the all problems and work required, many wonder, “Is marriage worth the effort or am I better off staying single?” Fortunately, there has been a lot of research regarding the differences between married and non- married folks and, as a result, there are a lot of statistics that show that happily married folks do a lot better in life in many ways. In addition to the dramatic financial and tax benefits, here are some other advantages, married people enjoy compared to single folks :

Understanding the Deepeer Meaning behind Ghosts and Zombies : The psychological significance of Halloween.

Understanding the Deepeer Meaning behind Ghosts and Zombies : The psychological significance of Halloween.

With Halloween approaching, it’s a good time to take a look at why, in an age which is defined by science and technology, so many folks are still fascinated by things like ghosts and zombies. Underneath the fun and games associated with this spooky holiday, there is deeper and even spiritual element which is emotionally and psychologically significant.

Bursting Some Myths About Trauma Related Memories

Bursting Some Myths About Trauma Related Memories

The media coverage of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court has exposed just how ignorant and insensitive many Americans are about the reality and consequences of sexual assault particularly as it pertains to memory. What we are witnessing in this political struggle is a contest between traditional views and modern science concerning the way traumatic memories are stored and recalled. The responses made in defense of the nominee, have inadvertently revealed our culture’s prejudice and disbelief regarding sexual assault. Criticism of accusers have also exposed an astonishing level of insensitivity and even hostility toward victims. In that context, here are three serious misconceptions that need correction.

Tips for Coping with Disturbing Headlines in the News

Tips for Coping with Disturbing Headlines in the News

Many folks have been shaken by the intense media coverage of recent stories concerning things like the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, political wrangling, and , worst, the devastating force of hurricane Florence. Fortunately there are several effective tools anyone can employ to reduce the disruptive effects of disturbing stories and decrease your vulnerability to a panic reaction. Here is a brief list of things to try:

APPRECIATING THE DEEPER SIGNIFICANCE OF  LABOR DAY: The importance of leisure and self care

APPRECIATING THE DEEPER SIGNIFICANCE OF LABOR DAY: The importance of leisure and self care

Beyond being an end of summer long week-end and its significance for more humane public policy, Labor Day is also a symbolic reminder that there is more to life than work. Likewise , modern research has shown that taking time off from work and having time for leisure activities is not a luxury but is an essential part of physical, emotional , social and spiritual health. Unfortunately, due to religious and cultural influences a negative prejudice against leisure prevents some from including leisure into their self-care routines. Here is why leisure is so important.

Psychotherapy as Detective Work: Tips for uncovering what’s really bothering you

Psychotherapy as Detective Work: Tips for uncovering what’s really bothering you

Our last segment (8/5/2018) discussed how anger was often misplaced and dumped on individuals who were not really the source of our problem. I want to expand on the notion that the source of our dysphoric feelings aer often hidden and needs to be uncovered. Further, there are some clues to help you solve the case and resolve difficulties in your life. One way to understand psychotherapy is to see it as a process of emotional detective work wherein you (or you and your therapist) work together to solve the mystery of your unhappiness and discover more positive and constructive options.
Indeed understanding psychotherapy as emotional detective work is a helpful way to grasp this sometimes mysterious science.

Emotional Dumping: How to avoid displacing undeserved anger on your mate

Emotional Dumping: How to avoid displacing undeserved anger on your mate

Emotional dumping or displacement is when a partner gets angry at his/her mate and unfairly unloads frustration on him/her even though s/he is completely or mostly innocent. Misplaced anger is a common problem married folks often experience. The resentment caused by it can build up and over time, lead to ever more serious relational strife. Fortunately, a couple the basics of psychological dynamics can go a long way to prevent and avoid emotional dumping. Here are some tips for both the “dumper” and the innocent victim.

How Pornography Can Harm Your Marriage: It’s Not What You Think !

How Pornography Can Harm Your Marriage: It’s Not What You Think !

In recent years, the term “porn addiction” has become a common and colloquial way of referring to a compulsive behavior related to the viewing pornographic imagery.
While the term porn addiction neither meets the medical criterion for an addiction nor is it a recognized diagnostic category in the DSM 5, there is no doubt that in recent years pornography has become the source of a serious and growing problem in many marriages. Unfortunately, many approaches either minimize or condemn the issue without really understanding or healing the damage using pornography can do to a marriage.

Good News: NYS Mandates Schools to Teach Mental Health

Good News: NYS Mandates Schools to Teach Mental Health

A new New York State law mandates that public schools to teach mental health in physical education and health classes. As a mental health counselor, I am overjoyed and want to explain why this long overdue directive is so vitally needed. Historically, mental illness has been feared and avoided in the public mind. ven more important than, the specific information that the classes will provide is the modeling of open discussion which breaks the silence which has long surrounded mental health issues. Fear and ignorance are perpetuated by the absence of discussion where in sharing feelings, questions and concerns is acceptable. Having programs which explicitly address not only facts but also feelings and cultural attitudes can go a long way to normalize and make comfortable talking about things which were heretofore implicitly forbidden or, at least, very uncomfortable.

Couple’s Consciousness: The Key to a Happy Marriage

One of the most important achievements a successful marriage can attain is COUPLE’S CONSCIOUSNESS. That is to say, each person in the relationship transforms his or her fundamental self-understanding from being an individual to being a part of a greater whole in a coupled partnership. If you feel that your marriage hasn’t attained a robust couple’s consciousness, here are some tips to assist you get there:

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