Loneliness and the Need for Human Connection

Loneliness and the Need for Human Connection

In the wake of Valentine’s Day, it is important to remember the 49% of Americans who do not celebrate it and 46% who struggle with loneliness. The problem is so great that it has even been called a national epidemic.

To be clear, loneliness is different from living or simply being alone or desiring solitude. Loneliness is the experience of sadness and desperation which comes from not having intimate human connection. Loneliness can spring from isolation , being alone and not having friends but is also true that even married people or embers of large families or communities can be lonely and feel its pain.It is also important to understand the loneliness is not simply an unpleasant feeling. Loneliness can cause serious medical complications and is correlated with shortening life spans. Surprisingly, loneliness is a greater risk to longevity than smoking a half pack of cigarettes a day or being obese.

So, if you are in a lonely place, the first thing to remember is that it is not a terminal condition. Here are some tips to remember if you struggle with loneliness:

Recapturing Gratitude in Turbulent Times

Recapturing Gratitude in Turbulent Times

It’s Thanksgiving time and (if you can resist the pressure from the malls and media to ignore it in order to push Christmas shopping) its lesson of GRADTITIDE is one that is vitally important for us today.
Ironically , the image of the pilgrims celebrating, in the wake of such unimaginable hardship, is sometimes difficult to comprehend. Nonetheless, it stands as an important reminder for us that , in even the worst of times, there is always something for which to be grateful.
Today, especially, when the threats and uncertainties of the world can be overwhelming, it is important to understand that getting in touch with our sense of is an gratitude is not only a nice thing to feel but that it is an integral part of our mental and spiritual health. That said, in the midst of difficult times, accessing a sense of gratitude is not easy. It is important to understand the obstacles that keep us from feeling gratitude so that we may re-capture this profound awareness. Here are some observations and tips to help us to increase our awareness and deepen our appreciation of our blessings:

In Praise of Marriage

In Praise of Marriage

Since so many of my commentaries have been centered around psychological disorders, for this segment I decided this time to post one which is positive and affirming. One of the most positive and affirming institutions that I can think of is the institution of marriage.
Frankly, marriage’s reputation in the modern world is not so great. Such things as high divorce rates, infidelity and domestic violence have caused many to postpone or even forgo marriage altogether. When folks are ready to marry, at what ever age, it is important to under that that good marriages don’t “just happen”. Successfully blending two individuals into a working partnership is neither automatic or easy. We have learned that for marriage to thrive the partners must have the knowledge of some basic skills as well as the commitment to working through inevitable conflicts and disagreements.
Given the all problems and work required, many wonder, “Is marriage worth the effort or am I better off staying single?” Fortunately, there has been a lot of research regarding the differences between married and non- married folks and, as a result, there are a lot of statistics that show that happily married folks do a lot better in life in many ways. In addition to the dramatic financial and tax benefits, here are some other advantages, married people enjoy compared to single folks :

Psychotherapy as Detective Work: Tips for uncovering what’s really bothering you

Psychotherapy as Detective Work: Tips for uncovering what’s really bothering you

Our last segment (8/5/2018) discussed how anger was often misplaced and dumped on individuals who were not really the source of our problem. I want to expand on the notion that the source of our dysphoric feelings aer often hidden and needs to be uncovered. Further, there are some clues to help you solve the case and resolve difficulties in your life. One way to understand psychotherapy is to see it as a process of emotional detective work wherein you (or you and your therapist) work together to solve the mystery of your unhappiness and discover more positive and constructive options.
Indeed understanding psychotherapy as emotional detective work is a helpful way to grasp this sometimes mysterious science.

Updating our Understanding of Suicide

Updating our Understanding of Suicide

In the wake of two celebrity suicides, the media is filled with commentary regarding why people , especially successful people, do it. It is unfortunate that the public eye only turns to this tragedy when it involves a famous person. Indeed, the suicide rate is climbing at an alarming rate in America. Also troubling is that a death of someone like Anthony Bourdain demonstrates, even when it looks to others like an individual has everything in the world going his/her way, no one ever really knows the inner turmoil or demons with which folks struggle. Having inner turmoil is one thing but obviously everyone who has turmoil doesn’t kill themselves. Do you have to be crazy to kill yourself ?

Tips for Adding a Little Empathy to your Holiday Gift Giving

Tips for Adding a Little Empathy to your Holiday Gift Giving

It is tough to be blue during the holidays. Amid the hustle and bustle of the pre – Hanukkah and Christmas hype are many folks for whom the season is nor joyous or bright. Although many of us look forward to Christmas as a time to gift and celebrate family and friends, there are many others for whom the occasion is difficult and even painful. … Here are some tips to help you improve your empathy skills for those who have the holiday blues :


Blog & Video Archives Past Bridge Street Mental Health segment with accompanying text. Grieving’s 6th Step I’ve noticed that, as we start the new year in the midst of COVID, many folks are struggling with loss and grieving.  For some, the loss involves...

About Rev. Heath

About Rev. Michael Heath Some biographical information about me and my training. I began my professional training at Yale Divinity School. At that time I was interested in theology and culture as it was expressed in modern movies but I also did a concentration in...