About Rev. Heath

About Rev. Michael Heath Some biographical information about me and my training. I began my professional training at Yale Divinity School. At that time I was interested in theology and culture as it was expressed in modern movies but I also did a concentration in...
Dealing with Increased Terror-Related Anxiety

Dealing with Increased Terror-Related Anxiety

In the wake of the recent terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, many people are experiencing increased anxiety.  Here are some basic things to consider concerning how these frightening events may be affecting you or someone you love: 1) Do an initial triage of...

Secrets of Assertiveness 101:

Secrets of Assertiveness 101: Sometimes I’m asked why assertiveness is important and I say that assertiveness is important to learn because it is a fundamental life skill which is needed to be successful.  Also, it’s important to talk about being...

PTSD Awareness

PTSD and YOU: Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder   Living so close to Fort Drum, most of us have heard of  PTSD.  We’re aware of the serious problems PTSD has caused for families and individuals but we may not be clear about what it is.  June is PTSD...

Dealing with the Boston Marathon Bombings

In the wake of the Boston Marathon tragedy, many folks may experience increased anxiety and panic.  Much of this emotional reaction is due to the availability of 24/7 news coverage by the media and internet.  Even though shootings and violence have become much more...