The Secret of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Secret of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

We all know the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and how a loving and compassionate doctor who, in trying to research the secrets of mental illness, unleashed a monster that dwelled deep within his own psyche. Modern neuroscience has gone a long way in explaining how such opposite demeanors could belong to the same person. And, rather than being a “strange case”, this seeming contradiction, (that persons could hold within themselves such opposite traits), is built in to the very structure of the normal human brain .. The key to understanding this mystery and what determines which persona is in control is found in the relationship between the limbic system and the cerebral cortex.
Without having to become an expert or get lost in the details , some basic knowledge about brain physiology can help everyone understand confusing, but less extreme, differences in our own behavior and in that of others.
Here are some clues to let you know when your rational brain is being hi-jacked and some tips to get rational brain back.

Myths about and Tips for Dealing with Grief During the Holidays

Myths about and Tips for Dealing with Grief During the Holidays

As the holidays approach, despite the celebrations, gift giving and merriment, many experience the pain of going through festive times in the wake of recent loss. Others are haunted by past memories of departed loved ones. Death, divorce, losing a job are just a few of the kinds of losses that seem more difficult at this time of year.
For those who are the friends and family of those who have suffered losses, the holidays can be tricky as well. Not knowing what to say or how to act often makes for awkward or uncomfortable encounters.
Here are some tips to help you and those your love better deal with grief and grieving .

Tips for Coping with Disturbing Headlines in the News

Tips for Coping with Disturbing Headlines in the News

Many folks have been shaken by the intense media coverage of recent stories concerning things like the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, political wrangling, and , worst, the devastating force of hurricane Florence. Fortunately there are several effective tools anyone can employ to reduce the disruptive effects of disturbing stories and decrease your vulnerability to a panic reaction. Here is a brief list of things to try:

Emotional Dumping: How to avoid displacing undeserved anger on your mate

Emotional Dumping: How to avoid displacing undeserved anger on your mate

Emotional dumping or displacement is when a partner gets angry at his/her mate and unfairly unloads frustration on him/her even though s/he is completely or mostly innocent. Misplaced anger is a common problem married folks often experience. The resentment caused by it can build up and over time, lead to ever more serious relational strife. Fortunately, a couple the basics of psychological dynamics can go a long way to prevent and avoid emotional dumping. Here are some tips for both the “dumper” and the innocent victim.

Twelve Ways to Reduce Stress by Increasing Non-Demand Brain Activity

Twelve Ways to Reduce Stress by Increasing Non-Demand Brain Activity

Few would argue that stress is a growing problem for many Americans. Sadly , despite a growing professional consensus which recognizes the importance leisure and non-demand activity for maintaining a healthy brain, many Americans are bogged down by long standing cultural and religious attitudes which disparage leisure by casting it as being lazy or wasting time. New studies show that folks who build leisure into their daily schedule have less stress and out perform those who do not. Here are 12 ways reduce the effects of stress by increasing non-demand brain activity.

Intimate Communication: Tips for Talking to your Partner about Sex

Intimate Communication: Tips for Talking to your Partner about Sex

Sex is a common problem for couples and while some difficulties are complicated, many are easily solved with better communication. Good communication about sex begins with understanding that men and women have quite different psycho/sexual arousal systems. With these thoughts in mind, here are some common communication mistakes and their solutions:

Getting Real about Pornography : How To Get Past Emotion and Reach Understanding

Getting Real about Pornography : How To Get Past Emotion and Reach Understanding

Pornography is a difficult problem in counseling due to many cultural and religious biases and contradictions which have created negative and unrealistic attitudes about sex. Understanding that being titillated by explicit sexual material is normal and not perverted can help remove some of the emotional barriers which block rationally decoding the symptom and uncovering underlying cause of the problem.


Blog & Video Archives Past Bridge Street Mental Health segment with accompanying text. Grieving’s 6th Step I’ve noticed that, as we start the new year in the midst of COVID, many folks are struggling with loss and grieving.  For some, the loss involves...