Bruce Jenner Interview Outshines Olympic Gold

Bruce Jenner Interview Outshines Olympic Gold

Although Bruce Jenner has won the gold medal for the decathlon in 1976 Olympics, his greatest triumph and accomplishment came yesterday when he publicly acknowledged that she is, and always has been, a woman.  The Diane Sawyer interview heard round the world is not...

Are You Being Bullied in the Workplace ?

Are You Being Bullied in the Workplace? When we hear the word bullying, we are likely to think of something done by kids in a school.  Unfortunately, it’s also something which is done by adults at work and the consequences can be destructive.  Indeed, there is a...

Five Mental Health Myths

By Presidential Proclamation May is Mental Health Awareness Month. However being more aware of mental health issues isn’t necessarily helpful if our basic understanding of mental health isn’t accurate. Given the stigma and fear that often is associated with mental...

Caring and Consideration: The Keys to Lasting Passion

Caring and Consideration: The Keys to Lasting Passion It’s almost Valentine’s Day and our thoughts turn to love and romance. But for many couples, the pizazz has gone out of their once hot relationship.  For some, romantic excitement has given way to the predictable...

Can Love and Romance Last?Yes, But It Takes Work!

Love is what makes that world go round and Valentine’s day is the perfect time to talk about love and romance. A persistent question that seems to worry many folks, however, is, “Can Love Last ?” This anxiety is not surprising given all of the...