Non-Empathic Listening

Non-Empathic Listening

Good communication between partners is one of the most important skills for married couples. Not surprisingly, it is also the most common problem for couples seeking counseling.

While there are different kinds of communication skills, the ability to empathize is essential for maintaining loving relationships. 

Today, I want to talk about a major obstacle to empathy.   Men, especially, struggle with what I call the  “Wheel of Fortune” problem (WOF).

“The Wheel of Fortune” Listening

You’re familiar with the game show, right?  Vanna White would turn hidden letters to reveal a familiar phrase.  Contestants vied to identify a familiar phrase with the fewest uncovered letters.

In my experience, some partners, mostly men, think listening is like playing the Wheel of Fortune. In other words, they understand a conversation to be an exchange in which their mate presents a problem.

The WOF approach to communication is problem-solving rather than emphatic listening. From this perspective, the point of listening is to figure out a solution to a problem as quickly as possible

The problem with WOF is that, while partners may sometimes ask their mates for help dealing with a difficult issue or situation,  not all conversations are about solving problems.

Self-Care is Not a Luxury

Self-Care is Not a Luxury

As 2025 begins, many will be thinking about making New Year’s resolutions.  While losing weight, exercising, and cutting back on alcohol consumption, along with other self-improvement goals, are important, it’s a researched fact that most resolutions are not accomplished. In fact, the success rate for keeping resolutions is a dismal 9%.  New Year’s Resolutions Statistics and Trends [2024]

On the contrary, studies show that overwhelmingly, people feel compelled to change because of external expectations and demands.  What is important to understand is that guilt and shame are not effective motivators for long-lasting change.

Again, although people make changes for a while, studies show that to sustain lasting change, the motivation for must come from within. It’s like the old joke goes, “How many people does it take to change a light bulb? One, but only if the light bulb really wants to change.”

Data reveals that focusing on self-care rather than giving-in to external pressures or feelings of the obligation to change is the best way to make important changes in one’s life.

To be clear, self-care may not involve change or resolving problems so much as it does learning how to better cope  with difficult situations that may not have a simple or immediate solution.

Although any significant change is difficult, committing to self-care is especially hard because both religion and culture are against it. That said, developing good self-care habits is not impossible. Here are some basics for those who are interested in committing to increased self-care:    Goal 2023: Self-Care | Pastoral Counseling Syracuse NY

From Anger to Advocacy

From Anger to Advocacy

Now that the dust from the sensational United HealthCare CEO murder has settled, it’s time to reflect on the larger significance of these events. To be clear, there is no justification or moral support for what the assassin did. Legitimate social protest must never involve physical violence.

That said, the intensity of the “volcanic” reaction to Thompson’s death exposes the anger many feel toward private health insurance. This public outcry is pervasive and thus needs serious consideration.

Easing Holiday Stress

Easing Holiday Stress

2024 has been a rough year. As we head toward the finish line, holiday gatherings can add even more stress.

As a pastoral counselor, I’m asked what advice the Bible has for dealing with the holidays. Actually, one story is particularly helpful.  , Indeed, the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10: 38-42)  is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago.  This beloved biblical classic has an important lesson for those who struggle with family and social gatherings at this time of year.


“Now, as they went on their way, he entered a village, and a woman named Martha received him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she went to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; 42 one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Lk 10.38-42 RSV)

Flirting with your Spouse?

Flirting with your Spouse?

How long has it been since you flirted with your spouse ?  If it’s been a while, here are some things to think about if flirting with your parter sounds like fun.

To begin, flirting has a some what questionable reputation due to its association with an activity conducted with someone to whom one is not married,  It’s rarely talked about when considering ways to improve one’s marriage or sex life. Let me explain why it is important for both enriching a relationship and protecting marriage from infidelity.

Infidelity and Flirting

Infidelity is a huge problem for many relationships.  While there are many reasons why partners cheat, not feelling appreciated and feeling taken for granted rank high on the list.

After a few years of marriage, there is a tendency for folks to slip into comfortable but not necessarily excioting routines. As a result, they stop trying to be attractive to or flirt with their mates.

Many of the efforts made while courting disappear. The way we dress, the way we talk to each other become mundane.  Little surprises and considerate gestures become fewer and fewer.  Thus, romance dims.

Flirting and Neuro-chemistry

By contrast, one reason that affairs occur is because they are new and exciting and energized. People involved in affairs go out of their way to make each other feel special. That special feeling is the result of a complex release of substances like dopamine, phenylethylamine and serotonin. .

This special attention is very attractive and powerful. The narcotic-like substances that the brain releases are addictive.  Sadly, when that neuro-transmitter hit is not forthcoming at home, some folks look to find it elsewhere.

Behaviorally, affairs often begin innocently with flirting, that is playful gestures of attraction which are meant for amusement more than a serious intent.  However, if continued, the playful can become serious and lead to an actual acting out of infidelilty.

When taken with the fact that many couples complain that their love life isn’t what it used to be, affairs, even though wrong and risky, can happen.  To make matters even worse, the technology of the internet and explicit affair-arranging websites like Ashley Madison have made having sex outside of marriage as easy as making a few key strokes .

Many marriages start out with flirting but, over the years, the playful banter stopped.  The good news is that couples who flirt with each other can reignite playfulness and passion as well as reduce their risk having affairs.

So, here is some information about flirting that can help you to put the spark back in your  marriage and protect it from affairs..

First-Aid for Anxiety

First-Aid for Anxiety

Given the recent election results, I have received many panicked phone calls from folks terrified about what will happen to our country.  While I do not wish to get into political discussions, I do wish to respond to those feeling anxious and provide concrete steps to take to reduce their discomfort.

Anxiety is a serious and complex problem for many people.  In some cases, successful treatment requires a combination of psychotherapy and medication. For many, however, employing some basic first-aid can render significant and immediate relief. Here are four steps which, if followed, can quickly and dramatically reduce the crippling effects of panic and anxiety attacks.

Improving Communication

Improving Communication

Poor communication is a major problem in many relationships. In fact, of all the problems that bring couples to counseling, poor communication is at or close to the top . Why Do Couples Seek Marital Therapy? | Request PDF (

Of course, there are different types of communication. There are simple informational exchanges like “What time will you be home for dinner?” However, emotional communication is the kind that many folks have trouble with. Rather than simple, intimate communication, i.e., honestly sharing what your’e feeling and what you want, is complicated.

There are various reasons why couples have trouble talking with one another about intimate things. To do so requires being willing to be vulnerable and willing to listen. 

Here are some tips to improve your intimate communication:

Prof. Pastoral Counseling

Prof. Pastoral Counseling

Despite being around for over 50 years, many people are still confused about what professional pastoral counseling (PPC) is. Pastoral Counseling ? | Pastoral Counseling Syracuse NY ( confusion is understandable since the term is imprecise.

For example, any minister who gives guidance is, in a sense, a pastoral counselor. I wish to use the term to refer to therapists who are trained and licensed in psychotherapy and are ordained clergy.

Sadly, many people erroneously think that one has to be religious to talk to a professional pastoral counselor. As such, I want to dispel some myths and discuss what makes professional pastoral counseling unique among therapeutic approaches.



Anxiety and panic attacks are serious mental health problems. Over the past twenty years, neuroscientists, especially those who study the autonomic nervous system (ANS), have learned a lot about why we worry.  Fortunately, the research has also produced more effective techniques to deal with these issues.

Our increased understanding of the neurology of panic has revealed that panic is not limited to anxiety attacks. It is present at different levels along a spectrum.  Things like losing one’s temper over a minor frustration or being “triggered” result from panic.

Not surprisingly, recent scientific advances have led to an increased appreciation of the wisdom of Eastern practices such as yoga and meditation. In turn, this increased appreciation has led to incorporating these ancient exercises into the treatment of anxiety,

In light of these developments, here is a summary of the findings and their practical applications.

Young Men’s Crisis

Young Men’s Crisis

Is masculinity bad ?  Many young men are in crisis over what it means to be a man says Professor Scott Galloway during a recent interview on CNN’s Smerconish. Although Galloway has the data to back it up, very few are aware of or seem to care about it.

Galloway, who teaches marketing at New York University and knows a lot about social trends, contends that this masculinity malaise has put many young men in trouble. Scott Galloway: Young men feel abandoned by the Democratic party | CNN Politics    

Men are falling significantly behind women in college graduation, jobs, and home buying. Worse, their suicide rate is the highest in 70 years. Suicides are spiking among young men – The Washington Post

Confusion in Context

In some ways, this confusion is understandable. It stems from the backlash women unleashed following the numerous high-profile sexual abuse scandals. The Me-Too movement’s anger, while legitimate, at times cast an overly wide net and intimidated men.

Many men feel under attack and that there is something inherently wrong with being a man. As a result, for folks under 40, relations between men and women have suffered. 50% report not having sex in a year.

What is difficult to understand is why so few, especially progressives,  seem not to care. For example, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s website lists many special populations of concern and does not mention men.

This omission is disturbing because it ignores the problem of almost seeing men as the enemy for whom they have no empathy or concern. This attitude is ironic because most young men do not share the sexist views of older generations.   They understand that traditional/abusive views of masculinity are unacceptable.

That said, what is healthy masculinity? To date, many efforts have tried to define healthy masculinity as being more feminine, i.e., less aggressive and more emotional. Frankly, many young men are confused about who they are.

Unfortunately, some conservative groups are trying to fill this void by attempting to resurrect angry, macho masculinity. In so doing, some openly insult and demean women, even a presidential candidate. Sadly, this approach is working with some alienated men.  The ‘Empty Suit’ of Trump’s Masculinity (

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