Having just returned from vacation, it’s time for my annual segment on leisure and self-care. ABOUT LEISURE DEFICIENCY | Pastoral Counseling Syracuse NY, Specifically, I want to discuss the importance of NON-DEMAND NEURAL ACTIVITY (NDNA).
NDNA is a conscious self-aware/observational/experiential activity that does not stress the brain and neural circuitry. In addition, it helps to heal neuropathways damaged by stress.
Although the science is relatively new, the wisdom of not stressing activity is ancient. Indeed, the growth in acceptance of meditation expresses Western medical science’s high regard for this ancient Eastern practice. Healthy neural activity has even been associated with longevity and avoiding dementia related disorders. Nervous system activity might influence human longevity, neural activity — Harvard Gazette
Modern research supports the value of meditation. Activities like meditation give the brain a rest and allow it to heal the damage caused by daily stress. The brain needs not only unconscious rest ( sleep) but also non-stressful conscious activity.
NDNA is the mental activity that is present in the moment and does not worry about the past or dread the future. It gives conscious attention to and focuses on the perceptions delivered through our five senses. Play and leisure are other words that convey NDNA.
America’s Anti-leisure Bias
While recognition of the importance of leisure activity is increasing in the medical field, it still faces an uphill battle to gain widespread acceptance. Western religion and culture have conditioned people to mistrust leisure or idleness, as it is often referred to. Indeed, the Calvinistic, hard-work ethic permeates American values. Bursting the “Hard Work” Myth”: The Importance of Leisure | Pastoral Counseling Syracuse NY
For example, remember the Cadillac commercial from 10 years ago, where the smarmy guy standing next to the luxury car in front of his mansion made fun of Europeans who take vacations? The point of the advertisement was that if you want nice things, you need to work hard and forego vacations and self-care. Cadillac ELR Coupe 2014 Commercial
In spite of these obstacles, here are some basic things to know about if you are NDNA deficient and what you can do to address it:
Tell-tale signs of NDNA deficiency
It is crucial to understand that NDNA is necessary for our physical and mental health. Unmitigated stress damages neuropathways, and damaged brain circuitry distorts and exaggerates information conveyed from the autonomic nervous system.
In other words, past trauma and present stress corrupt the accuracy of our perceptions about ourselves and the world. As a result, things can seem worse than they are.
In turn, we become exhausted by the added strain of false data. We experience this strain physically as fatigue and emotionally as irritability. Sleep is impaired, we lose our temper easily, and we have no patience to deal with everyday conflicts or frustrations.
Excess stress scrapes the insulation off the wire and renders us less able to cope calmly or reasonably with everyday challenges and frustration.
How to Overcome Leisure Guilt
While taking time for leisure sounds reasonable, many feel irrational guilt about attending to self-care, which interferes with their ability to do it.
The key to overcoming false guilt is to realize its falsity. In contrast to legitimate guilt, false guilt is not connected to violating moral or legal law or breaking a personal commitment.
False guilt comes from false ideas. It evaporates once one recognizes that one is innocent of breaking a rule. When one feels guilty about indulging in leisure, the erroneous premise that one should always be working must be exposed.
Fortunately, realizing one’s innocence is a great relief, and the pleasure of leisure can be felt to its fullest. Reducing Both True and False Guilt | ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help
Fun Ways to Be Mindful and Practice NDNA
While meditation is the first thing people associate with NDNA, there are many other ways to be present in the moment without worry or demand.
Mindfulness of the present expresses the essence of NDNA. It simply means attending to the moment and its details, whether noticing the brilliance of the sun and sky, the smell of a rose, the taste of a perfect peach, the sounds of a favorite song, or the touch of a massage or sex.
Enjoying music, dance, yoga, and exercise are just a few of the activities that not only help the brain to heal but are also fun. 7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Besides Meditation – Grow Therapy
While life can be difficult at times, it should generally be tolerable. If it’s not, you may be NDNA deficient. When stress is well-managed, life is not only bearable, it’s filled with love and joy as well.
If you’re not feeling the joy, ask yourself why. How long has it been since you have put all work or troubles aside, kicked back and relaxed ?
If it has been a while, you may want to learn to pay attention and become mindful of your immediate experience. Incorporating relaxing activities into your schedule can protect you from becoming overstressed.
In addition to brief breaks, people also need more extended time away from obligations and demands. Vacations, including staycations, are good ways to heal the brain damage caused by life stresses.
Life is too short to worry about the past or dread the future. The more play and leisure you have, the more moments of joy you will discover in the present.
Rev, Michael Health, LMHC, Fellow A.A.P.C. 3 5 2025