Has there ever been a word more written about than love ?  

Everyone seeks it. Most folks think they know what it is. But, ironically, couples often worry about if they are loved or if they are able to love .

Over the centuries, no one has improved on what St. Paul had to say about love in I Corinthians 13.4-7 (rsv) :

”  Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; 5 it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

St. Paul is clear about what love (agape) is in relation to a friend or neighbor. However, when love is understood in the context of marriage, it is a little more complicated.  The intimacy of a committed adult relationship adds the elements of sexual passion and desire.  Navigating and balancing concerns for one’s beloved and for oneself own can be challenging and confusing. Is It Love or Chemistry? Tips for knowing when real love comes along. | Pastoral Counseling Syracuse NY (revmichaelheath.com) To make matters even worse for couples , many of the romantic myths, found in popular literature and media, have created unrealistic expectations about relationships which distort many folks’ understanding of love. Here is an approach that can help us to sort it all out . 

On Romantic Love

On Romantic Love

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and romance.  Unfortunately, many of the popular beliefs confuse romantic love with true and enduring love. 

Typically, romantic notions of true love mistake the magical feeling of infatuation with sustainable love.  This conflation comes from classic literature’s portrayal of idealized courtly love. You know, the intoxicating experience of star-crossed lovers such as Romeo and Juliet.  Sadly, these stories distort our understanding of what real love is. Worse, they have created unrealistic expectations for those who marry.

Today we are going to debunk at some common myths about love and, instead, provide some helpful suggestions to keep love alive.

Some Thoughts about Love , Addiction and Obsession.

Some Thoughts about Love , Addiction and Obsession.

Today I want to talk about a common problem which is, unfortunately, unnecessarily experienced by many folks: being “in love” with an abusive or unloving partner. A common misunderstanding present in these kind of destructive situations is a fundamental confusion about the meaning of love, i.e. where sexual thrills or emotional dependency is mistaken for a mature caring and devotion.
In working with individuals and couples for over 40 years, I have heard the word love used in many ways. Indeed, the Greeks had difference words to capture the many shades of meaning this English word can express.
When it comes to relationships, however, I have frequently observed a confusion between eros and agape or between mania and agape. You really can’t blame folks for being confused. To be honest, American notions of love and romance are a mess. They mush together a mixture of selfish and selfless personal experiences. For example, to be in love may mean feeling a powerfully exciting sexual sensation which is aroused by the person with whom one is in love or it may mean a deep and selfless concern for the wellbeing of the person that one loves. Confusing the two can be problematic. When a person thinks that s/he is in love in a mature way but in fact is primarily attracted to a thrilling sensation, or emotionally/literally is dependent on another person, good judgment is corrupted. Here is how to understand the differences.
Modern science has revealed the neurochemical components of Eros . Eros, which is sometimes falsely

Romantic Myth # 3: Love is a Special Feeling

Romantic Myth # 3: Love is a Special Feeling

The feelings of attraction are what get us together, but love is what keeps us together. I know that falling in love includes the special feelings of infatuation and sexual desire but that is not love. Indeed, this observation is not a new distinction or discovery....
Stigma and Depression

Stigma and Depression

There is good news for those who worry about the stigma associated with mental health.

The amount of stigma surrounding counseling is much less than it used to be.  When I first started counseling in the late 70s, some men would not schedule appointments during daylight hours for fear of being seen going to a counselor’s office.

Although attitudes have improved, many people still view getting help with emotional problems as embarrassing or even shameful. In large part, this discomfort is due to certain lingering myths about mental health. Common myths created misunderstandings about psychological disorders and their treatment. Here are some common notions which are misleading and or false:


Blog & Video Archives Past Bridge Street Mental Health segment with accompanying text. Grieving’s 6th Step I’ve noticed that, as we start the new year in the midst of COVID, many folks are struggling with loss and grieving.  For some, the loss involves...